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  • Our wee and humble wood lot contains mango, cashew, some nitrogen-fixing "green-manure" and firewood species and a bush fruit tree called mandinka cola.

    In the direction of my daydreams 2007

  • Our wee and humble wood lot contains mango, cashew, some nitrogen-fixing "green-manure" and firewood species and a bush fruit tree called mandinka cola.

    Archive 2007-07-01 2007

  • The effect of green-manure crops on certain properties of Berks silt loam (Technical bulletin/Virginia Agricultural Experiment Station) by S. S Obenshain

    Republicans bully Greens in PA 2007

  • In the green-manure crop or winter-crop field with rice-fish, the output value was 31.9% higher than with RCT.

    Chapter 7 1995

  • The income derived from fish in the winter-rice or green-manure field was CNY 813-2650/ha and the fish income in the gleyed ricefield was CNY 2258/ha (Table 4).

    Chapter 7 1995

  • The objectives of this study were to determine the water use, water use efficiency (WUE), and soil water depletion pattern of four grain legumes and three green-manure or forage legumes.

    1. Water management. 1992

  • Cumulative water depletion during June to September by green-manure, forage, and grain legumes was 70, 63, and 43 mm greater, respectively, than that of a fallow check, and was not significantly different from that of wheat in two of four environments.

    1. Water management. 1992

  • To improve the soil structure, you can then sow a green-manure crop, like Centrosema or Crotalaria.

    Chapter 4 1977

  • During the first years of the life of these plantations we maintained a clean cultivation program during the spring and early summer followed by the planting of a green-manure crop about July 1st each year.

    Northern Nut Growers Association Report of the Proceedings at the Thirty-Eighth Annual Meeting Guelph, Ontario, September 3, 4, 5, 1947

  • Surround them with other plants that repel insects, including green-manure crops such as buckwheat, comfrey and alfalfa that enrich the soil with nitrogen and attract beneficial insects.

    Starbulletin Headlines 2009


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