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  • Then the life of the two women was resumed, the life of a _gynoeceum_, suggestive of the Orient; never an excursion with husband or father, but day after day spent in closed, secluded rooms, with nought to cheer one but the sole, everlasting, obligatory promenade, the daily drive to the Corso and the Pincio.

    The Three Cities Trilogy, Complete Lourdes, Rome and Paris ��mile Zola 1871

  • Then the life of the two women was resumed, the life of a _gynoeceum_, suggestive of the Orient; never an excursion with husband or father, but day after day spent in closed, secluded rooms, with nought to cheer one but the sole, everlasting, obligatory promenade, the daily drive to the Corso and the Pincio.

    The Three Cities Trilogy: Rome, Complete ��mile Zola 1871

  • Then the life of the two women was resumed, the life of a/gynoeceum/, suggestive of the Orient; never an excursion with husband or father, but day after day spent in closed, secluded rooms, with nought to cheer one but the sole, everlasting, obligatory promenade, the daily drive to the Corso and the Pincio.

    The Three Cities Trilogy: Rome, Volume 1 ��mile Zola 1871


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