
from The Century Dictionary.

  • noun An old-world bat of the family Rhinolophidæ; any rhinolophid having the nose-leaf more or less horseshoe-shaped.


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  • Other species present are bare-backed fruit-bat Dobsonia inermis, Pacific flying-fox Pteropus tonganus, spurred horseshoe-bat Hipposideros calcaratus and large Melanesian bent-wing bat Miniopterus propitristis.

    East Rennell, Solomon Islands 2008

  • Bulmer's fruit bat (Aproteles bulmerae) and the large pogonomelomys (Pogonomelomys bruijni) are critically endangered, whereas the lesser tube-nosed bat (Nyctimene draconilla), New Guinea sheathtail-bat (Emballonura furax), Fly River horseshoe-bat (Hipposideros muscinus), and Papuan mastiff bat (Otomops papuensis) are considered vulnerable.

    Southern New Guinea lowland rain forests 2008


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