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  • I attended committees, and arranged to go to Belgium, got my kit, and had a good deal of business to arrange in the way of house-letting, etc., etc.

    My War Experiences in Two Continents Betty Keays-Young [Editor] Salmon 1890

  • Telegrams had given the Paris house-letting agency _carte blanche_ for hasty preparations at the Château d'Andelle, where several old servants had been kept on as caretakers: and being a spoiled American millionairess, the little lady was confident that a week would see the house aired, warmed, staffed, and altogether habitable.

    Everyman's Land 1889

  • "You were wishing, I suppose, sir, to take one -- be quiet, Dash -- one of the cottages," suggested Mrs. Barkamb, whose mind ran in one narrow groove, and whose life during the last twenty years had been an unvarying round of house-letting.

    Lady Audley's Secret 1875

  • When the house-letting and house - furnishing finally passed into the hands of the state, these things would be lent from the public galleries, or from immense municipal stores for the purpose. "

    Standard Household-Effect Company, the (from Literature and Life) William Dean Howells 1878

  • When the house-letting and house - furnishing finally passed into the hands of the state, these things would be lent from the public galleries, or from immense municipal stores for the purpose. "

    Literature and Life (Complete) William Dean Howells 1878


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