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  • Es que se hunden los alcázares de cristal que edificó la mano del invierno.

    Novelas Cortas Pedro Antonio de Alarc��n 1862

  • Teufel-hunden were the vicious, wild, and ferocious mountain dogs of Bavarian folklore.

    Army Rumour Service 2010

  • The band is 2footonion - a play on the German words "teufel hunden," or "devil dogs," as

    The Orange County Register - News Headlines : Top Stories 2010

  • During World War I many German reports had called the attacking Marines "teufel-hunden," meaning Devil-Dogs.

    Army Rumour Service 2010

  • The band is 2footonion - a play on the German words "teufel hunden," or "devil dogs," as

    The Orange County Register - News Headlines : Top Stories 2010

  • During World War I many German reports had called the attacking Marines "teufel-hunden," meaning Devil-Dogs.

    Army Rumour Service 2010

  • Teufel-hunden were the vicious, wild, and ferocious mountain dogs of Bavarian folklore.

    Army Rumour Service 2010

  • Teufel-hunden were the vicious, wild, and ferocious mountain dogs of Bavarian folklore.

    Army Rumour Service 2010

  • During World War I many German reports had called the attacking Marines "teufel-hunden," meaning Devil-Dogs.

    Army Rumour Service 2010

  • During World War I many German reports had called the attacking Marines "teufel-hunden," meaning Devil-Dogs.

    Army Rumour Service 2010


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