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  • In the number of whom, that scoffer is to be accounted, who by a company of rimes published in the Germane tongue, to the disgrace of our countrey, hath brought his name into euerlasting ignominie.

    A briefe commentarie of Island, by Arngrimus Ionas 2003

  • Neither did it suffice the base printer once to send abroad that base brat, but he must publish it also thrise or foure times ouer: that he might thereby, what lay in him, more deepely disgrace our innocent nation among the Germans, & Danes, and other neighbour countries, with shamefull, and euerlasting ignominie.

    The Principal Navigations, Voyages, Traffiques and Discoveries of the English Nation 2003

  • In the number of whom, that scoffer is to be accounted, who by a company of rimes published in the Germane tongue, to the disgrace of our countrey, hath brought his name into euerlasting ignominie.

    The Principal Navigations, Voyages, Traffiques and Discoveries of the English Nation 2003

  • Neither did it suffice the base printer once to send abroad that base brat, but he must publish it also thrise or foure times ouer: that he might thereby, what lay in him, more deepely disgrace our innocent nation among the Germans, & Danes, and other neighbour countries, with shamefull, and euerlasting ignominie.

    A briefe commentarie of Island, by Arngrimus Ionas 2003

  • But at the deliuerie of the monie, and by a certeine kind of hap, the Romans name was preserued at that time from such dishonor and ignominie as was likelie to haue insued.

    Chronicles (1 of 6): The Historie of England (3 of 8) Raphael Holinshed

  • He thinks their manners, however, little civilized: for one thing, they have an unpleasant habit of eructation at the table (car iceux routent a la table sans honte & ignominie); which recalls Chaucer's description of the

    The Complete Project Gutenberg Writings of Charles Dudley Warner Charles Dudley Warner 1864

  • He thinks their manners, however, little civilized: for one thing, they have an unpleasant habit of eructation at the table (car iceux routent a la table sans honte & ignominie); which recalls Chaucer's description of the

    Complete Essays Charles Dudley Warner 1864

  • He thinks their manners, however, little civilized: for one thing, they have an unpleasant habit of eructation at the table (car iceux routent a la table sans honte & ignominie); which recalls Chaucer's description of the

    For Whom Shakespeare Wrote Charles Dudley Warner 1864

  • Neither did it suffice the base printer once to send abroad that base brat, but he must publish it also thrise or foure times ouer: that he might thereby, what lay in him, more deepely disgrace our innocent nation among the Germans, & Danes, and other neighbour countries, with shamefull, and euerlasting ignominie.

    The Principal Navigations, Voyages, Traffiques and Discoveries of the English Nation — Volume 01 Richard Hakluyt 1584

  • In the number of whom, that scoffer is to be accounted, who by a company of rimes published in the Germane tongue, to the disgrace of our countrey, hath brought his name into euerlasting ignominie.

    The Principal Navigations, Voyages, Traffiques and Discoveries of the English Nation — Volume 01 Richard Hakluyt 1584


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