
from The Century Dictionary.

  • noun Same as embellishment.


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  • All I expect of it is an imbellishing of my actions, and not a foundation of them, according to Platoes mind, who saith, constancie, faith, and sinceritie are true Philosophie; as for other Sciences, and tending elsewhere, they are but garish paintings.

    Of the Institution and Education of Children. To the Ladie Diana of Foix, Countesse of Gurson. 1909

  • All I expect of it is an imbellishing of my actions, and not a foundation of them, according to Platoes mind, who saith, constancie, faith, and sinceritie are true Philosophie; as for other Sciences, and tending elsewhere, they are but garish paintings.

    Literary and Philosophical Essays: French, German and Italian Various 1562

  • I do not find that these persons can produce out of Scripture any reasons of fforce which expresly forbid the using any Art in the imbellishing the Countenance: The opinions of men are not of any power to charge the Soul with sin in things of outward use and custom, neither in this particular are the Divines themselves all of one mind; for I know many excellent persons, who wisely forbear to condemn the use of these things as sin, that are innocently helpful to the beauties of modest women; for indeed they are as far form sin, or not from sin, as the minds of those that use them are disposed either to a modest decency, or to pride and vanity.

    The Gentlewoman's Companion: or,%0AA Guide to the Female Sex 1675


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