
from The Century Dictionary.

  • noun Unconsciousness; lack of self-consciousness.


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  • As the manifestation of existence, consciousness and delight made the manifestation of non-existence, inconscience, insensibility conceivable and, because conceivable, therefore in a way inevitable, for all possibilities push towards actuality until they reach it, so is it with these contraries of the aspects of the Divine Existence.

    Speedlinking 11/26/07 William Harryman 2007

  • The entire variety we witness in Nature is, for Aurobindo,the creative adventure of the World-Spirit in the uncharted ocean of inconscience so that the infinite possibilities inherent in reality may be expressed in material conditions.

    Teilhard, Jaspers, Royce, Heidegger and Sri Aurobindo Tusar N Mohapatra 2006

  • "I could not, inconscience, leave you here, " he said, having in that moment made his decision.

    The Chronicles of Pern McCaffrey, Anne 1993

  • "I could not, inconscience, leave you here, " he said, having in that moment made his decision.

    First Fall McCaffrey, Anne 1993

  • Again the longing came upon him -- to know her awake to herself and to her own soul; to know the predatory instinct forever quieted, that upsurging of some remote inconscience of the race's history of rapine in the open, and acquisition by stealth, forever conquered; to know her spirit triumphant.

    Out of the Ashes Ethel Watts Mumford 1909

  • être discrets comment on peut tomber ‘par hasard’ sur qc en ligne permanence du contenu numérique inconscience du caractère public du blog communauté purement de pairs

    Premier jet d’un vague plan — Climb to the Stars 2007

  • Listen to a quotation from a letter I have received from a very distinguished Swiss: "Une chose me frappait aussi, dans les tendances allemandes, une incroyable inconscience.

    New York Times Current History: The European War, Vol 2, No. 1, April, 1915 April-September, 1915 Various

  • Je n'avais pas idée d'une si complète absence de sens moral; d'une si inconscience dépravation, d'une impudence si effrontément naïve. "

    On the Old Road, Vol. 2 (of 2) A Collection of Miscellaneous Essays and Articles on Art and Literature John Ruskin 1859


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