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  • The tear-blotted face, the obstinate misery, the knowledge that the distress is genuine and the feeling of incompetence it induces, all combine to exasperate and infirme.

    Scales of Justice Marsh, Ngaio, 1895-1982 1955

  • For otherwise the water might peradventure convey some part of them, or other pecca̅t matter, which it findeth in his passage either into the bladder, or to some other weake, and infirme member of the body, to the increase of that evill disposition which is to be removed, or else to the breeding of some other new infirmity.

    Spadacrene Anglica The English Spa Fountain Edmund Deane

  • INVALIDE, infirme, qui ne peut travailler; soldat incapable de servir.

    French Conversation and Composition Harry Vincent Wann

  • Ye town and all its accomodations is adapted to ye batheing and drinking of the waters and to nothing else, the streetes are well pitched and Cleane kept and there are Chaires as in London to Carry ye better sort of people in visits, or if sick or infirme and is only in the town, for its so Encompassed with high hills few care to take the aire on them.

    Through England on a Side Saddle in the Time of William and Mary 1888

  • Johnny Depp a fost nevoit să infirme zvonurile apărute recent pe internet, potrivit cărora actorul american ar fi decedat în urma unui accident de automobil produs sâmbătă, 23 ianuarie, în Franţa, informează uk.

    Mediafax 2010

  • But besides that, as there is no kinde of persones so subject to receiue harme of them, as these that are of infirme and weake faith (which is the best buckler against such inuasiones:) so haue they so smal power ouer none, as ouer such as zealouslie and earnestlie persewes them, without sparing for anie worldlie respect.

    Daemonologie. King of England James I 1595

  • Une enfance fans force, une infirme vieilleffe, 170

    Essai sur l'homme, poëme philosophique, en cinq langues, savoir: anglois, latin, italien ... 1772

  • Bot we have chief respect to our weak and infirme brethren, to quham we wald communicate the bottom of our hartes, leist that they be troubiled or carried awaie be diversity of rumoris, quhilk Sathan spredis againist us to the defeating of this our maist godlie interprize: Protestand that gif onie man will note in this our confessioun onie Artickle or sentence repugnand to Gods halie word, that it wald pleis him of his gentleness and for Christian charities sake to admonish us of the same in writing; and we upon our honoures and fidelitie, be Gods grace do promise unto him satisfactioun fra the mouth of God, that is, fra his haly scriptures, or else reformation of that quhilk he sal prove to be amisse.

    The Creeds of the Evangelical Protestant Churches. 1889

  • Il s’en faut de beaucoup que skyblog infirme ce qu’on pouvait déjà penser de skyrock… Enfin la blogosphère est un peu comme l’auberge espagnole, il suffit de chercher ce qu’on veut y trouver ou de l’apporter soi-même.

    mort de rire? 2005

  • 384: Shee needed, Vertue-proof, no thought infirme

    Paradise Lost (1667) 1667


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