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  • The “setInterval” function is used to call a function or evaluate an expression at the specified intervall.

    ginger's thoughts » Jumping to time offsets in HTML5 video 2009

  • The “setInterval” function is used to call a function or evaluate an expression at the specified intervall.

    ginger's thoughts » 2009 » August 2009

  • But you shall of course get a somewhat smaller confidence intervall.

    Brazil « Climate Audit 2007

  • When you go out of the directly observed intervall you make assumptions about stable teleconnections e.g.

    Treydte, Moberg, Soon and Baliunas « Climate Audit 2006

  • Conventicles and Papists were not ripe for passing this Session, yet he would take care himself that neither of them should in this intervall be encouraged to the endangering of the peace; and that at their next meeting he would himself prepare two bills for them concerning them.

    Diary of Samuel Pepys — Volume 23: July/August 1663 Samuel Pepys 1668

  • And promised that though the Acts about Conventicles and Papists were not ripe for passing this Session, yet he would take care himself that neither of them should in this intervall be encouraged to the endangering of the peace; and that at their next meeting he would himself prepare two bills for them concerning them.

    Diary of Samuel Pepys — Complete 1663 N.S. Samuel Pepys 1668

  • And promised that though the Acts about Conventicles and Papists were not ripe for passing this Session, yet he would take care himself that neither of them should in this intervall be encouraged to the endangering of the peace; and that at their next meeting he would himself prepare two bills for them concerning them.

    Diary of Samuel Pepys — Complete Samuel Pepys 1668

  • And promised that though the Acts about Conventicles and Papists were not ripe for passing this Session, yet he would take care himself that neither of them should in this intervall be encouraged to the endangering of the peace; and that at their next meeting he would himself prepare two bills for them concerning them.

    The Diary of Samuel Pepys, Jul/Aug 1663 Pepys, Samuel 1663

  • AC is implies the existence of non-Lebesgue-mb sets on an intervall, but isn't equivalent to it.

    Conservapedia - Recent changes [en] Aschlafly 2010

  • So from a mobile point of view the main difference between being in ECM connected state with a DRX cycle the length of a paging intervall and being in ECM idle state without a radio interface connection is how it's mobility is controlled.

    WirelessMoves 2009


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