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  • The members of the Council-with the exception of the Clan Chief, the Shaman and the Healer of Liha'irden'stepped back an involuntary pace or two, murmuring.

    The Oathbound Lackey, Mercedes 1988

  • The Clans are nomadic, but we each have territories; Liha'irden's was next to Tale'sedrin's.

    The Oathbound Lackey, Mercedes 1988

  • Kethry knew this one from Tarma's descriptions; he was Liha'irden's Healer and the fourth Elder.

    The Oathbound Lackey, Mercedes 1988

  • f the trunks of trees laid one upon the other; a lird fort is made of long pieces of wood, fup - jrting each other by making angles at the end j fourth kind is made of long pieces of hewn mber, fupported at the ends by palling into les made in an upright poft; a fifth is like the irden fences in England; the laft kind is made

    Historical account of the most celebrated voyages, travels, and discoveries, from the time of ... 1797


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