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  • There's this girl in my form study and race in america class that we kind'a talk. and this other guy, that is pretty talkative, so that's cool. this other japanes girl - is kind of like friend, but it's just awkward ...

    update: school, crush, random. hpfreak7 2008

  • LoL this is like a japanes Red Bull commercial instead "it fives you wings!" it's "Can't drink just six!"

    Slusho! Commercial Dennis 2007

  • Something disturbing though, the anime books that japanese children read and the japanes view on what children should be exposed to are not parallel with the viewpoints of certain members of the religious right and there are already some rumblings about censoring this type of media in the U.

    Comic books and gender differences 2005

  • Ronaldo Ruiz, a multi-award-winning Filipino artist and resident artist of Artesan Gallery, unites performance and visual arts on his canvas, using a japanes eperformance artist who uses a table to perform his art, as the subject of his new series of paintings.

    unknown title 2009

  • SH 905 can not used with CDMA 3G, ask your local service follow japanes service suplier. in japan they use the CDMA 3G ,4G or i or S i don’t know.

    Nokia 7380 Video Review 2006

  • After this year’s election- he will become a curiousity- a nothing- a bad joke that everyone is tired of- and he will sit that way for two fuckin years- kinda like the legendary japanes managers who are put in an office with windows- and given no assignments- nothing to do but to sit and stew in their public humiliation.

    Firedoglake » Late Nite FDL: What Lies Beneath 2006


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