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  • Mf, th; fs; $j; jikg; G cUthf; fg; gl; l fhyj; jpy; mjpy; cs; slq; fg; glhjjw; F Gypfspd; tpUg; gpd; ikNa fhuzk;. my; yJ Gypfspd; ghrprr; nraw; ghLfs; jhd;, th; fis jLj; jpUf; fpwJ.,

    Kottu kottu 2010

  • Jkl; Lk; jhd; Gypfsplk;, th; fSf; F cld; glhjh tplakh?

    Kottu kottu 2010

  • MdhYk; ehk; mij ehfhpfk; fUjp mOj; jpNa ekJ Mo; kdjpy; Gijg; Nghk;. mJ nfhiyapd; gr; #oy; eph; \% ykhf; fg; gl; L jkpo; kf; fspd; epk; kjpahd tho; Tf; F NgUjtpahf, Uf; Fk; vd; w jplkhd ek; gpf; ifapy; gpwe; jitahfj; jhd;, Uf; FNk jtpu Ntnwhd; Wkpy; iy. vt; tsTjhd; mbf; FNky; mbj; jhYk; kdk; vd; dNth Gj; jhil g+z; Lnfhs; sj;

    Kottu 2009

  • [P. ehiaf; nfhz; Nl eLf; flypy; tpl; lhYk; ef; Fj; jz; zpjhd; vd; ghh; fs;., e; jf; Fk; gy; fisf; nfhz; Nl tpl; Lg; ghUq; fs; 'ey; yj; jhd;',

    Kottu kottu 2010

  • Vnddpy; gy kpUfq; fs; jd; Fl; bia > jhd; rhh; e; j Fl; bfis czt+l; Lfpw - guhkhpf; fpw gz; Gilait. (ahid) Mdhy; kdpjdpd; fij NtW. mJTk;, yq; ifj; jkpohpd; fij NtWNtwhdJ. kdpj caphpd;, og; gpy; FJ} fypf; fpw gz; ig tsh; j; jth; fs; GypfSk; mth; fsJ gpdhkpfSk;.

    Kottu 2009


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