
from Wiktionary, Creative Commons Attribution/Share-Alike License.

  • noun Plural form of jigaboo.


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  • WASHINGTON, DC-Calling themselves "insulting caricatures born of bigotry" and "demeaning portrayals bearing no resemblance to actual human beings or cultures," an estimated 400,000 so-called jigaboos, pickaninnies and darky po 'boys representing racist statuary from across the U.S. marched on Washington Monday.

    The Onion 2010

  • Now, if somebody says "jigaboos" and "wannabes," then my frame of reference is a Spike Lee film.

    CNN Transcript Apr 9, 2007 2007

  • COSTELLO: Imus has been trying for days to explain exactly what he was thinking when he made those remarks about the Rutgers women's basketball team and then laughed when his executive producer referred to them as "jigaboos" and "wannabes".

    CNN Transcript Apr 9, 2007 2007

  • Now, if somebody says "jigaboos" and "wannabes," then my frame of reference is a Spike Lee film.

    CNN Transcript Apr 10, 2007 2007

  • But the most important thing is this man who represents millions of fathers and mothers, white, black, Latino, Asian and others, who are saying beyond the politics, we cannot have the airwaves used to call our children "hard-core hos," "nappy-headed hos," "jigaboos" and "wannabes".

    CNN Transcript Apr 12, 2007 2007

  • “The mainstream media took a liking to calling us coons, jigaboos, and whatever other insults they could muster,” he said, turning to Junior, who nodded his approval.

    Magic City Trick Daddy 2010

  • “The mainstream media took a liking to calling us coons, jigaboos, and whatever other insults they could muster,” he said, turning to Junior, who nodded his approval.

    Magic City Trick Daddy 2010

  • “The mainstream media took a liking to calling us coons, jigaboos, and whatever other insults they could muster,” he said, turning to Junior, who nodded his approval.

    Magic City Trick Daddy 2010

  • So without ever meeting these young ladies or even empathizing with their circumstances (they lost the NATIONAL CHAMPIONSHIP game!), the only things Don Imus and his crew can say about are, “nappy-headed hos,” “hard-core hos,” and “jigaboos.”

    Matthew Yglesias » What’s the Joke? 2007

  • They pronounced the Rutgers team "rough-looking" (i.e. not good looking) and backed it up by saying they had tatoos and were "nappy-headed ho's" and "jigaboos".

    SeeLight: 2007


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