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  • Agora que o mundo ocidental se prepara para o carnaval de consumo inspirado no lado mais delicodoce da decadente tradição judaico-cristã, é talvez bom momento de contrapor e celebrar o solstício de inverno que se aproxima invocando os velhos deuses, temerosas criaturas do além espaço que apenas obedecem a azatoth, cego e louco sultão negro dos vazios tenebrosos das enregeladas profundezas cósmicas.

    ... Artur 2007

  • It has its origin in that author whose book is called that of the Jehovist, or, more lately, the judaico-prophetic book; and who, among all those that have contributed stones to the building of the

    The Theories of Darwin and Their Relation to Philosophy, Religion, and Morality Rudolf Schmid

  • Paris-Reg. judaico-persico,” which he says “ex textu hebraico vel aramaico factam esse, ex crebris hebraismis patet “(p. 105).

    The Three Additions to Daniel: A Study. 1906


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