
from Wiktionary, Creative Commons Attribution/Share-Alike License.

  • noun Plural form of ketubbah.


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  • From the ketubbot (marriage contracts) we learn that each married woman was expected to engage in some kind of work in addition to running her household.

    Genizah. 2009

  • No two ketubbot are identical, reflecting the realities of life.

    Genizah. 2009

  • The marriages were performed with complete legitimacy, and the marriage contracts (ketubbot) had the right of preference over all debts, in favor of the women … Their income from personal property had the right of ownership as it was registered in the archive of the Jewish community.

    Caribbean Islands and the Guianas. 2009

  • Grant Award that will go toward conservation of wedding contracts (ketubbot).

    Museum Blogs 2010

  • By contrast, it was customary to write in the ketubbot of musta’rabs in Palestine and Egypt: “Her labor is her own and he [the husband] must give her such and such per year for her clothing” (italics provided).

    Levant: Women in the Jewish Communities after the Ottoman Conquest of 1517. 2009

  • * image: just one of the many ketubbot in our collection.

    Museum Blogs 2010


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