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  • "Writing the Other" with klages and nisi_la and hung out and talked with a bunch of cool people.

    Doesn't suck to be me scarlettina 2010

  • On Wednesday night klages and I will be "celebrity guest hosts" at the

    Headless Chicken Mode: ON klages 2009

  • "Writing the Other" with klages and nisi_la and hung out and talked with a bunch of cool people.

    Doesn't suck to be me scarlettina 2010

  • Also, klages and I will be Celebrity Party Hosts at the

    Impromptu trip to Seattle marykaykare 2009

  • Filed in Books, Nerd Things ·Tags: ellen klages, geoff ryman, nalo hopkinson, sf in sf

    November « 2008 « Morgan Dempsey 2008

  • Thursday before the convention and took off for a day trip there with klages, who made an excellent traveling companion.

    11/16/08: Month go voom klages 2008

  • On the other hand, klages told me a bedtime story this afternoon while I was passing out on the couch .... that was cool.

    In a very few hours... klages 2008

  • After the ceremony ended, klages, madrobins, kateyule, and I all crammed into a pedicab for the five-block trip from the convention center to the hotel where the parties were.

    Hugo night matociquala 2008

  • I've been thinking more about the Writers 'Lies panel I was on with skzbrust, pameladean, 1crowdedhour, willshetterly, and klages. matociquala asked the panelists how she could find -- how one could find, really -- positive lies to overtake the negative ones.

    Barnstorming on an Invisible Segway marykaykare 2008

  • Filed in Books, Nerd Things ·Tags: ellen klages, geoff ryman, nalo hopkinson, sf in sf

    SF in SF (11/16) « Morgan Dempsey 2008


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