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  • Murat, as he is known, waved me to a corner table where he and a lively entourage were already carousing, and called for a bottle of raki as a fleet of well-crafted standards began sailing onto the table: patlican salatasi smoky, roasted eggplant purée with béchamel, tender braised squid, and lakerda - rose-beige petals of cured Black Sea tunny.

    NYT > Global Home By LIESL SCHILLINGER 2011

  • Murat, as he is known, waved me to a corner table where he and a lively entourage were already carousing, and called for a bottle of raki as a fleet of well-crafted standards began sailing onto the table: patlican salatasi smoky, roasted eggplant purée with béchamel, tender braised squid, and lakerda - rose-beige petals of cured Black Sea tunny.

    NYT > Home Page By LIESL SCHILLINGER 2011


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