
from The American Heritage® Dictionary of the English Language, 5th Edition.

  • abbreviation latitude


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  • We left St. John's on the 25th November, and on the [night] of the 3d Dec. [1835] in lat.

    “Some day, all the fools will be dead....” 2008

  • The barque Edwin, arrived at New York, reports having passed, on the 10th of September, in lat. 52, long. 34'48, a red buoy marked

    The Barque Edwin 1865

  • This buoy was lowered in lat. 51 deg. 28 min., long. 38 deg. 42 min .... on the 4th of

    The Atlantic Telegraph Expedition 1865

  • The ship Kent, which arrived at Plymouth last week from Melbourne, was boarded on the 24th of April, in lat.

    The Ship Kent 1864

  • On the 19th inst., when in lat. 42 deg. 6 min. N., long. 9 deg.

    Extraordinary Capture at Sea 1861

  • We were in lat. 36°, and elevated above the sea not much more than three thousand feet.

    Glimpses of Life and Manners in Persia 1856

  • Juneau torpedoed and disappeared lat. 10 degrees 32 minutes S. long.

    Left to Die Dan Kurzman 1995

  • Juneau torpedoed and disappeared lat. 10 degrees 32 minutes S. long.

    Left to Die Dan Kurzman 1995

  • published Saturday finds scout leader Rick Turley molested at least 15 children over nearly two decades, most of whom he met through American and Canadian Scouting beginning in the 1970s.

    The Seattle Times 2011


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