
from The Century Dictionary.

  • noun In old law: A witness to the good character of an accused person.
  • noun One who lauds; a lauder.
  • noun In old law, an arbitrator; an appraiser.

from the GNU version of the Collaborative International Dictionary of English.

  • noun One who lauds.
  • noun (Law), obsolete An arbitrator.

from Wiktionary, Creative Commons Attribution/Share-Alike License.

  • noun One who lauds.
  • noun law, obsolete An arbitrator.

from WordNet 3.0 Copyright 2006 by Princeton University. All rights reserved.

  • noun someone who communicates high praise


from Wiktionary, Creative Commons Attribution/Share-Alike License

From Latin


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  • The sycophant — who in the pay of the English oligarchy played the romantic laudator temporis acti against the French Revolution just as, in the pay of the North American colonies at the beginning of the American troubles, he had played the liberal against the English oligarchy — was an out-and-out vulgar bourgeois.

    Reactionary Prophet 2004

  • And this frank admission ought to show that I am not your mere twaddling laudator temporis acti — your old fogy who can see no good except in his own time.

    Roundabout Papers 2006

  • The sycophant — who in the pay of the English oligarchy played the romantic laudator temporis acti against the French Revolution just as, in the pay of the North American colonies at the beginning of the American troubles, he had played the liberal against the English oligarchy — was an out-and-out vulgar bourgeois.

    Reactionary Prophet 2004

  • If the morals of mankind have not contracted an extraordinary degree of depravity, within these thirty years, then must I be infected with the common vice of old men, difficilis, querulus, laudator temporis acti; or, which is more probable, the impetuous pursuits and avocations of youth have formerly hindered me from observing those rotten parts of human nature, which now appear so offensively to my observation.

    The Expedition of Humphry Clinker 2004

  • It will seem strange to many of my critics who regard me as a typical laudator temporis acti that this question should have arisen so comparatively late in my life.

    Surprised by Joy Lewis, C. S. 1955

  • When or where this _laudator temporis acti_ closed his wanderings, the author never heard with certainty; but most probably, as Burns says --

    The Mirror of Literature, Amusement, and Instruction Volume 14, No. 397, November 7, 1829 Various

  • Sometimes, perhaps, through the vanity that clings to us all to the end, I play the part of "laudator temporis acti," and then the young fellows shout: --

    My New Curate P.A. Sheehan

  • Yet far be it from me to croak as the "laudator temporis acti."

    The Modern Scottish Minstrel, Volume V. The Songs of Scotland of the Past Half Century Various

  • Allowance must of course be made for the writer's position as a partisan, and some of his later notions are those of the "laudator temporis acti," speaking without responsibility; but it is sufficiently interesting to raise a desire for the whole, published as a diary, and not mixed up with other matters to which it has small relation.

    International Weekly Miscellany of Literature, Art, and Science — Volume 1, No. 4, July 22, 1850 Various

  • Cornelio Tacito: nam hic supremus felicitati eius cumulus accessit, laudator eloquentissimus. '

    The Student's Companion to Latin Authors Thomas Ross Mills


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