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  • I continue to be confused by the accusations of leftist's who proclaim the republicans to be the problem for this healthcare debacle.

    Senate Democrats continue talks on health care compromise 2009

  • This is the process of negative identification that every leftist must practice and that 'United in Hate' documents is at the heart of every leftist's main driving force, he said.

    Archive 2009-04-01 2009

  • If he depends on leftist's he has 20% of the electorate.

    CNN Poll: Independents disapprove of Obama 2009

  • But he has revealed his wolf in sheep's clothing leftist's policies that he intends to govern by.

    Poll: Health care reform will bring higher costs 2009

  • As examples, consider that even the word "Christmas" is prohibited in schools these days for fear of offending some sensitive leftist's feelings; but these same leftists are eager to make sure kids learn all about Islam we don't want them to become Islamophobic, do we?

    Archive 2009-03-01 Tusar N Mohapatra 2009

  • The leftist's desire for power is direct and absolute; and this is a direct consequence of his utopian ideology.

    Archive 2009-03-01 Dr. Sanity 2009

  • Obama never struck me as a particularly leftist candidate, but he did promise to move the country forward in areas very near and dear to a leftist's heart: health care, clean energy, infrastructure, education.

    Obama: "I Don't Think There's Any Question That We Have A Mandate" 2009

  • As examples, consider that even the word "Christmas" is prohibited in schools these days for fear of offending some sensitive leftist's feelings; but these same leftists are eager to make sure kids learn all about Islam we don't want them to become Islamophobic, do we?

    Archive 2009-03-01 Dr. Sanity 2009

  • Michael Newdow is just living out the leftist's dream, wherein factions are not opposed, as Madison warned, but encouraged and celebrated, begetting as Madison foresaw balkanization and the loss of freedom.

    Serving process on the Chief Justice — at his home. Ann Althouse 2009

  • As examples, consider that even the word "Christmas" is prohibited in schools these days for fear of offending some sensitive leftist's feelings; but these same leftists are eager to make sure kids learn all about Islam we don't want them to become Islamophobic, do we?

    Panoptic Sri Aurobindian ontology reconciles Tusar N Mohapatra 2009


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