
from The Century Dictionary.

  • noun On a postal or mail railroad-car, a plate with an opening closed by a hinged flap, for receiving letters for the post along the route of the train.


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  • One morning about a week after Marcus had left for the southern part of the State, McTeague found an oblong letter thrust through the letter-drop of the door of his "Parlors."

    McTeague 1920

  • He heard the postman's step in the hall and saw the envelopes begin to shuttle themselves through the slit of his letter-drop.

    McTeague 1920

  • He heard the postman's step in the hall and saw the envelopes begin to shuttle themselves through the slit of his letter-drop.

    McTeague 1899

  • One morning about a week after Marcus had left for the southern part of the State, McTeague found an oblong letter thrust through the letter-drop of the door of his "Parlors."

    McTeague 1899

  • One morning about a week after Marcus had left for the southern part of the State, McTeague found an oblong letter thrust through the letter-drop of the door of his "Parlors."

    McTeague Frank Norris 1886

  • He heard the postman's step in the hall and saw the envelopes begin to shuttle themselves through the slit of his letter-drop.

    McTeague Frank Norris 1886

  • The radio and letter-drop campaign aims to turn opposition to the federal government's proposed 40 per cent mining super tax into votes at the next election.

    WA Business News - Latest News 2010

  • “John had taken me for a tour of the house a few days before,” Celeste said, “so I knew about this letter-drop thing into the garage.

    Bitter Harvest Ann Rule 2000


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