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  • The fratto song is a type of executed liturgico Christian song with values proporziona them: to the contrary of the so-called gregoriano the cantus fractus it often possesses a notation with mensurali elements, that it indicates with precision the value of notes.

    An Office Hymn Tune Compendium, Part V bls 2008

  • Draft of diffused in all Europe and a much testified repertorio from numerous liturgici books is manuscripts is to press, from the XIV to XX the century, that it regards three shapes of liturgico song above all: Credo, the hymns and the sequences.

    An Office Hymn Tune Compendium, Part V bls 2008

  • The fratto song is a type of executed liturgico Christian song with values proporziona them: to the contrary of the so-called gregoriano the cantus fractus it often possesses a notation with mensurali elements, that it indicates with precision the value of notes.

    Archive 2008-01-01 bls 2008

  • Draft of diffused in all Europe and a much testified repertorio from numerous liturgici books is manuscripts is to press, from the XIV to XX the century, that it regards three shapes of liturgico song above all: Credo, the hymns and the sequences.

    Archive 2008-01-01 bls 2008

  • Trope, in the liturgico-hymnological sense, is a collective name which, since about the close of the Middle Ages or a little later, has been applied to texts of great variety (in both poetry and prose) written for the purpose of amplifying and embellishing an independently complete liturgical text (e.g. the Introit, the Kyrie,

    The Catholic Encyclopedia, Volume 15: Tournely-Zwirner 1840-1916 1913


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