
from Wiktionary, Creative Commons Attribution/Share-Alike License.

  • noun As much as a lorry can hold; a truckload.


from Wiktionary, Creative Commons Attribution/Share-Alike License

lorry +‎ load


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  • The police believe they have tracked the source of the £2.5 million donation to a malaysian businessman and are waiting a "lorryload" of documents arriving from Spain to confirm.

    Jailbird 2006

  • William shouldered a lorryload of frustrations that caused him to party too hard and drive too fast.

    William and Kate Christopher Andersen 2011

  • It is the kind of production that basically involves gathering up a lorryload of thesps at a loose end, dumping them in a tax-efficient sandy location, giving them a load of helmets to play with and a crash course in High Roman Speak, recording whatever results and scoring any emotional moments with sub-Enya or possibly Enya – it's so hard to tell music.

    TV review: The Untold Tommy Cooper; Ben Hur 2011

  • If you feed in a lorryload of thighs and innuendo at the start of a decade, does it excrete cupcakes and baby voices at the end?

    When familiarity breeds contempt 2011

  • He was playing with more zest and zip than a lorryload of punk lemons, Djokovic's body appeared to be failing him, the momentum was all his …and now's he's 3-0 down in the fourth.

    Novak Djokovic v Rafael Nadal - as it happened! | John Ashdown 2011

  • William shouldered a lorryload of frustrations that caused him to party too hard and drive too fast.

    William and Kate Christopher Andersen 2011

  • Batman: Arkham Asylum was critically acclaimed, won a clutch of awards and sold by the lorryload, making it inevitable that we'd be seeing more of the Dark Knight.

    This week's new games 2011

  • Gretchen Lieberum, a singer-songwriter from LA, has stood on the peripheries of the big-time over the last decade and watched as her similarly drowsy contemporaries like Norah Jones shifted units by the lorryload.

    A Brief Book Review by hecklerspray – Angels And Insects 2007

  • For all the boasting and bragging that went on during the recent Kanye West/ 50 Cent album sales face-off – the debates, the promises to retire, the lorryload of ridiculous excuses – it didn't really come to much, did it?

    Kanye West Gets Engaged To Someone Nobody Knows 2007

  • Interestingly, this followed a case reported in the September 1991 National Geographic of a game dealer transporting a lorryload of foxes from Ohio to

    Archive 2004-10-01 Ray Girvan 2004


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