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  • Perhaps the nearest to a description of it is to say this: that my contempt boils over into bad behaviour when I hear the common suggestion that a birth is avoided because people want to be "free" to go to the cinema or buy a gramophone or a loud-speaker.

    Insight Scoop | The Ignatius Press Blog: 2009

  • Batman will be standing on twelve unconscious thugs, and Joker booms over the loud-speaker Nice moves, Bats!

    REVIEW: Batman: Arkham Asylum 2009

  • The amateur cannot challenge the actor; the householder will find it vain to go and shout into the gramophone; the mob cannot pelt the modern speaker, especially when he is a loud-speaker.

    Insight Scoop | The Ignatius Press Blog: 2009

  • At this moment the loud-speaker system boomed out the message that Tom Swift was wanted at the communications office.

    I, TOO, DREAM.... 2010

  • Tom paused while Bud gave instructions over the loud-speaker for a renewed search.

    I, TOO, DREAM.... 2010

  • Without explaining further, Tom flipped on the loud-speaker and began to bark orders to the crew of the Flying Lab to warm up the mammoth ship.

    I, TOO, DREAM.... 2010

  • Now we're up to 100,000, but that's hardly enough for the media, so, a half hour after that the numbers were revised again: By 8 p.m. -- as the crowd filed out, obediently following the order to disperse given over the loud-speaker system -- the number being cited had grown to fully 200,000.

    200,000 Or 20,000? 2008

  • Over the loud-speaker system Tom explained what had happened, ending with:

    I, TOO, DREAM.... 2010

  • At the same time, an announcement came over the loud-speaker that the Rocket Commission representatives would arrive soon after ten o'clock.

    I, TOO, DREAM.... 2010

  • When I spent my first day with Jed, he was continually on the phone fielding customer calls and pumping orders over loud-speaker systems in three buildings.

    Who Should Run The Family Business? 2009


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