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  • [6136] Mecastor lege dura vivunt mulieres, they lock them still in their houses, which are so many prisons to them. will suffer nobody to come at them, or their wives to be seen abroad, — nec campos liceat lustrare patentes.

    Anatomy of Melancholy 2007

  • But _lustrare_ and _lustratio_ seem to belong to an age when the thing to be driven or kept away is rather spiritual mischief, and when the means used are sacrifices and prayers, with processional movement.

    The Religious Experience of the Roman People From the Earliest Times to the Age of Augustus W. Warde Fowler 1884

  • We might thus be tempted to fancy that the root-idea of _lustrare_ is to perform a duty and so get rid of it, as we do in paying for anything we buy; but this would be to misapprehend the original meaning of the word as completely as Varro did when he explained _luere_ by reference to the payments of contractors.

    The Religious Experience of the Roman People From the Earliest Times to the Age of Augustus W. Warde Fowler 1884

  • _Lustratio_: meaning of _lustrare_ in successive stages of Roman experience.

    The Religious Experience of the Roman People From the Earliest Times to the Age of Augustus W. Warde Fowler 1884

  • Tutto quello che dicono è solo per ingigantire, spingere, pulire, lustrare, illuminare, imbellettare l'immagine del loro signore e padrone, sparando cotali e cotante immani cazzate da far vergogna alla razza umana intera.

    The Pirate Bay - Blog 2008

  • Tutto quello che dicono è solo per ingigantire, spingere, pulire, lustrare, illuminare, imbellettare l'immagine del loro signore e padrone, sparando cotali e cotante immani cazzate da far vergogna alla razza umana intera.

    The Pirate Bay - Blog 2008

  • * [562] averruncare malum, deûm iras, lustrare populum, aut exercitum, piaculum fieri

    A Brief Declaration and Vindication of The Doctrine of the Trinity 1616-1683 1965

  • _lustrare_, whose primitive meaning is "to purify," came at last to be synonymous with _circuire_, to walk round anything; and hence a purification and a circumambulation were often expressed by the same word.

    The Symbolism of Freemasonry Albert G. Mackey

  • parcite: de magno praeda petenda grege. hinc ego pastoremque meum lustrare quot annis35

    Love in the Valley Tibullus 1912

  • Mnemosyne docili tradit praecepta Thaliae): cum procul augeri nitor et iucundior aer attonitam lustrare domum fundique comarum gratus odor. mox uera fides numenque refulsit.

    The Marriage of Honorius and Maria Claudian 1912


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