
from The Century Dictionary.

  • See stretto.


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  • La venerazione, la stima e il rispetto, che porto verso la di lei degnissima persona mi spinse di incommodarla colle presente e di mandargli un debole pezzo di mia musica, rimmettendola alla di lei maestrale giudicatura.

    The Letters of Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart Mozart, Wolfgang A 1864

  • La venerazione, la stima e il rispetto, che porto verso la di lei degnissima persona mi spinse di incommodarla colle presente e di mandargli un debole pezzo di mia musica, rimmettendola alla di lei maestrale giudicatura.

    The Letters of Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart — Volume 01 Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart 1773

  • We took our departure from that port: and the province is called Lariab: and we navigated along the coast, always in sight of land, until we had run 870 leagues of it, still going in the direction of the maestrale (north-west) making in our course many halts, and holding intercourse with many peoples: and in several places we obtained gold by barter but not much in quantity, for we had done enough in discovering the land and learning that they had gold.

    Amerigo Vespucci's Account of His First Voyage 1909


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