major-generals love


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  • noun Plural form of major-general.


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  • In effect, this gives the Egyptian state a monopoly on statistics, and for 30 years (at least) Capmas has been headed not by professional statisticians but by a succession of major-generals from the military.

    The politics of Egypt's feeble statistics Brian Whitaker 2010

  • Nineteen reserve major-generals, including two former heads of the air force, wrote to the defence minister, Ehud Barak, this month, warning that acquiescence to the rabbis' demands – "the separation of women from the public sphere" – would "damage the fundamental values of Israeli society".

    Jerusalem dance studio is the new frontline in battle for secular liberty 2011

  • Interior Minister Mansour el-Issawi on Wednesday announced the dismissal of 669 high-ranking police officers including 505 major-generals — 10 of them top assistants to the minister.

    Egypt fires hundreds of police as protests grow 2011

  • We three bunked in together, while major-generals and the like had to make do with hammocks - I played Willy's royalty for all it was worth, you may be sure.

    The Sky Writer Geoff Barbanell 2010

  • Handing King the letter that named him U.S. Geologist in charge of the Geological Exploration of the Fortieth Parallel, Stanton offered a word of advice: “the sooner you get out of town, the better—you are too young a man to be seen about Washington with this appointment in your pocket—there are four major-generals who want your place.”

    The Five of Hearts Patricia O'Toole 2008

  • Handing King the letter that named him U.S. Geologist in charge of the Geological Exploration of the Fortieth Parallel, Stanton offered a word of advice: “the sooner you get out of town, the better—you are too young a man to be seen about Washington with this appointment in your pocket—there are four major-generals who want your place.”

    The Five of Hearts Patricia O'Toole 2008

  • The Austrians have no brigadiers, and the French have no major-generals in their Etat Major.

    Letters to his son on The Art of Becoming a Man of the World and a Gentleman 2005

  • When Lee explained that this had been an emergency, without time to wait on ceremony, Johnston dropped that discussion in favor of one about the request by the President on May 1 for the assignment of Longstreet or Smith to command the force south of Fredericksburg: "This army cannot be commanded without these two officers; indeed, several more major-generals like them are required to make this an army."


  • When Lee explained that this had been an emergency, without time to wait on ceremony, Johnston dropped that discussion in favor of one about the request by the President on May 1 for the assignment of Longstreet or Smith to command the force south of Fredericksburg: "This army cannot be commanded without these two officers; indeed, several more major-generals like them are required to make this an army."


  • The figure included eight major-generals, 20 brigadiers, 106 colonels and 246 lieutenant-colonels, Modise said, in reply to a question by Rapulane Molekane (ANC).

    ANC Daily News Briefing 1997


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