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  • In 2007, a team of P&G researchers published the results of using genetic technology to sequence the genes of malassezia globosa, after identifying the fungus as something that grows on everyone's scalp but causes dandruff on those who have an inflammatory response to it.

    P&G Looks for Beauty Tips in Genome Lab 2009

  • That's why P&G, despite its competitive and secretive corporate culture, published its malassezia globosa work in the journal Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences.

    P&G Looks for Beauty Tips in Genome Lab 2009

  • What I am calling true dandruff is caused by a fungus called malassezia.

    The Santa Barbara Independent stories < 2010

  • Our scalps produce lots of oil, and this makes them attractive to mild fungal infections, such as a yeast called malassezia.

    The Guardian World News Luisa Dillner 2010

  • While coal tar suppresses skin cell proliferation, selenium sulfide is primarily an antifungal compound — it kills the fungus malassezia that feeds on the skin’s natural oils, leading to itchiness and dandruff.

    Psoriasis Guru » Blog Archive » Selsun Blue with Menthol – Product Review 2009


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