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  • All of the moral questions aside, isn't that flat out malfaisance in an elected official at his level??

    Bennett: Sanford needs to stop 'embarrassing himself' 2009

  • A relentless inquisition drags every secret to the day, turns the glare of this solar microscope on every malfaisance, so as to make the public a more terrible spy than any foreigner; and no weakness can be taken advantage of by an enemy, since the whole people are already forewarned.

    XV. English Traits 1909

  • A relentless inquisition drags every secret to the day, turns the glare of this solar microscope on every malfaisance, so as to make the public a more terrible spy than any foreigner; and no weakness can be taken advantage of by an enemy, since the whole people are already forewarned.

    English Traits (1856) 1856

  • But Nature watches over all, and turns this malfaisance to good.

    The Conduct of Life (1860) 1856

  • Commons deemed a friend, and a foe to all malfaisance and abuse -- I told him that the war he asked me to join seemed to me but a war of ambitious lords, and that I saw not how the Commons were to be bettered, let who would be king.

    The Last of the Barons — Complete Edward Bulwer Lytton Lytton 1838

  • We cannot let Obama give Bush and his cronies (translated as Chaney and gang) a free pass lest we set a precedent for future malfaisance. Stories / Popular 2009

  • There is nothing wrong in employing spouses, in-laws or children unless there is clear malfaisance.

    The Independent - Frontpage RSS Feed 2009

  • The feud between Lancaster and York broke forth; Earl Warwick summoned his retainers, myself amongst them, since I lived upon his land; I sought the great earl, and I told him boldly -- him whom the Commons deemed a friend, and a foe to all malfaisance and abuse -- I told him that the war he asked me to join seemed to me but a war of ambitious lords, and that I saw not how the Commons were to be bettered, let who would be king.

    The Last of the Barons — Volume 03 Edward Bulwer Lytton Lytton 1838

  • I spoke of lawless disorders, of shameful malfaisance throughout the land, which the Woodvilles govern under a lewd tyrant -- "

    The Last of the Barons — Volume 06 Edward Bulwer Lytton Lytton 1838

  • I spoke of lawless disorders, of shameful malfaisance throughout the land, which the Woodvilles govern under a lewd tyrant -- "

    The Last of the Barons — Complete Edward Bulwer Lytton Lytton 1838


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