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  • Last but not least, the mepis-init, mepis-config and mepis-xconfig scripts have been improved.

    Softpedia - Windows - All 2010

  • In stability-wise, I found both mepis and pclos to be equal.

    PCLinuxOS-Forums 2009

  • It would be for the best of glibc if this Drepper dude got removed from the project. downstream we have many, many distros now adays. so, if this eglibc becomes the default, it'll end up being the default in pretty much all debian based distros like ubuntu, mepis, xandros, etc.

    Slashdot: Linux 2009

  • I find simply mepis to be the only linux distro to enable me to get past the the big changes between windows and linux.

    Fileforum 2009

  • My friend and i share ADSL internet connection, but now he using simple mepis 8.012 (KDE, debian base) and direct connect to ADSL modem, r4lly 2009

  • Firat it was mepis frontier (My fav) then basic and then PClinuxOS 2007. but mostly i still be 2000 / XP until i learned how to code and use slackware.

    PCLinuxOS-Forums 2009

  • Have you thought about using a live cd, like mepis or knoppix to see what is configured and how? 2009

  • I have yet to try mepis, but doesn't LinuxMint offer essentially the same functionality, but arguably better? 2008

  • I just tried the livecd's of ubuntu 8.10, kubuntu 8.10, xubuntu 8.10, simply mepis 8.0 beta 4, and sabayon?.

    PCLinuxOS-Forums 2008

  • I just tried the livecd's of ubuntu 8.10, kubuntu 8.10, xubuntu 8.10, simply mepis 8.0 beta 4, and sabayon?.

    PCLinuxOS-Forums 2008


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