metoclopramide love


from The American Heritage® Dictionary of the English Language, 5th Edition.

  • noun A dopamine antagonist, C14H22ClN3O2, that facilitates muscular movement in the upper gastrointestinal tract and is used to treat nausea.

from Wiktionary, Creative Commons Attribution/Share-Alike License.

  • noun pharmacology A gastrokinetic drug with antiemetic properties.


from The American Heritage® Dictionary of the English Language, 4th Edition

[French métoclopramide : mét(h)-, meth- + o(xy)-, oxy- + c(h)lo(ro)-, chloro- + pr(ocaïn)amide, procainamide, a drug used to treat arrhythmia (procaïne, procaine + amide, amide).]


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  • On October 24th of last year, a federal district court in Kentucky dismissed Dennis Morris 'claims that the generic manufacturers of Reglan, also known as metoclopramide, failed to warn him of the dangers posed by the drug, which resulted in his developing Tardive Dyskinesia (TD), a disabling movement disorder.

    Edward F. Blizzard: Reglan Lawsuits Continue to Drive Debate Over Corporate Immunity, Generic Preemption 2010

  • Most strikingly, aspirin alone or combined with an anti-nausea drug called metoclopramide worked just as well for migraines as 50 milligrams of the prescription drug sumatriptan.

    Aspirin makes the grade for migraine relief 2010

  • Most strikingly, aspirin alone or combined with an anti-nausea drug called metoclopramide worked just as well for migraines as 50 milligrams of the prescription drug sumatriptan.

    Aspirin makes the grade for migraine relief 2010

  • While it’s most often associated with certain antipsychotic drugs and SSRI antidepressants — affecting up to one-quarter of patients in both cases — it’s also been reported with antinausea drugs such as metoclopramide (Reglan and generic) and prochlorperazine (Compazine and generic).

    Q&A: Easing the discomfort of akathisia? 2009

  • While it’s most often associated with certain antipsychotic drugs and SSRI antidepressants—affecting up to one-quarter of patients in both cases—it’s also been reported with antinausea drugs such as metoclopramide Reglan and generic

    Q&A: Easing the discomfort of akathisia? 2009

  • The dispute over safety labels traced to the early 2000s when Gladys Mensing in Minnesota and Julie Demahy in Louisiana took generic versions of Reglan, prescribed for digestive tract problems and containing the active ingredient metoclopramide.

    Supreme Court ruling protects makers of generic drugs 2011

  • They sued Pliva and other generic manufacturers under their respective state laws, alleging that the manufacturers had a duty to strengthen their warning labels as problems related to the long-term use of metoclopramide became evident.

    Supreme Court ruling protects makers of generic drugs 2011

  • The dispute over safety labels traced to the early 2000s when Gladys Mensing in Minnesota and Julie Demahy in Louisiana took generic versions of Reglan, prescribed for digestive tract problems and containing the active ingredient metoclopramide.

    Supreme Court ruling protects makers of generic drugs 2011

  • Mensing, involved metoclopramide, a drug used to treat digestive tract problems like reflux and originally sold after its 1980 approval under the brand name Reglan.

    Drug Firms Score High Court Victories Jess Bravin 2011

  • They sued Pliva and other generic manufacturers under their respective state laws, alleging that the manufacturers had a duty to strengthen their warning labels as problems related to the long-term use of metoclopramide became evident.

    Supreme Court ruling protects makers of generic drugs 2011


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