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  • Anche i quattro Vescovi, benché sciolti dalla scomunica, non hanno una funzione canonica nella Chiesa e non esercitano lecitamente un ministero in essa.

    Archive 2009-02-01 2009

  • This brought into the investigation the public prosecutor who has jurisdiction over Lake Trasimeno: the pubblico ministero of Perugia, Giuliano Mignini.

    The Monster of Florence 2006

  • This brought into the investigation the public prosecutor who has jurisdiction over Lake Trasimeno: the pubblico ministero of Perugia, Giuliano Mignini.

    The Monster of Florence 2006

  • Aga PM-id (pubblico ministero) kes seda juurdlust juhivad - Ilda Bocassini ja Armando Spataro - ning eeluurimiskohtunik (GIP) Guido Salvini, kes arreteerimise autoriseeris, on ühed Itaalia kohtusüsteemi ausaimad isikud (eriti silmapaistev on Salvini, täpsemalt kunagi hiljem Euroopa blogis kui ma Strage Impunita'st kirjutamiseni jõuan, seni lugege mis BBC kirjutab).

    tatsutahime Diary Entry tatsutahime 2007

  • Other officers are a promotor of justice, corresponding to the pubblico ministero in modern Italian civil courts, and, for cases relating to matrimony, religious profession and sacred ordination, a defender of the bond (defensor vinculi), who may have a substitute.

    The Catholic Encyclopedia, Volume 13: Revelation-Stock 1840-1916 1913

  • During this period the captive minister found time to write those records which formed the substance of his "Memorie storiche del ministero" etc.

    The Catholic Encyclopedia, Volume 11: New Mexico-Philip 1840-1916 1913

  • So the gran ministero, as it was called, entered upon its functions: great by reason of its chief, who infused his own life and vigour into what was before a weak administration.

    Cavour Martinengo-Cesaresco, Countess Evelyn 1898

  • A couple of hundred men were strolling slowly down the street with their hands in their pockets, shouting in unison "Abbasso il ministero!" and huzzaing in chorus.

    Italian Hours Henry James 1879

  • Santo mio Padre e dolce mio Signore, ora aiutami in ogni mio ministero.

    Sketches and Studies in Italy and Greece, Complete Series I, II, and III John Addington Symonds 1866

  • Santo mio Padre e dolce mio Signore, ora aiutami in ogni mio ministero.

    Sketches and Studies in Italy and Greece, Third series John Addington Symonds 1866


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