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  • The headline -- the headlines were consumption of alcohol, this is "The New England Journal" article -- consumption of at least three to four days a week was associated with a lower risk of miocardial (ph) infarction.

    CNN Transcript Feb 9, 2003 2003

  • I know there was a study -- I guess the miocardial (ph) study that came out in advance of you guys talked about different types of alcohol, and it seemed as though it didn't really make any difference, did it, what type of alcohol people were drinking.

    CNN Transcript Feb 9, 2003 2003

  • From "The New England Journal of Medicine" we heard, quote, "consumption of alcohol at least three to four days a week was associated with a lower relative risk of miocardial (ph) infarction."

    CNN Transcript Feb 9, 2003 2003


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