misintelligence love



from The Century Dictionary.

  • noun Ignorance; faulty intelligence or knowledge.
  • noun Wrong or false information.
  • noun Misunderstanding; disagreement.

from the GNU version of the Collaborative International Dictionary of English.

  • noun Wrong information; misinformation.
  • noun obsolete Disagreement; misunderstanding.

from Wiktionary, Creative Commons Attribution/Share-Alike License.

  • noun obsolete Wrong information; misinformation
  • noun obsolete Disagreement; misunderstanding.


from Wiktionary, Creative Commons Attribution/Share-Alike License

mis- +‎ intelligence


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  • In such an air it had seemed that no petty egotism could hamper their growth, no misintelligence obscure their love; yet all the while this pure happiness had been unfolding against a sordid background of falsehood and intrigue from which his soul turned with loathing.

    The Fruit of the Tree Edith Wharton 1899

  • And so she was committed -- the more helplessly for her dense misintelligence of both sides of the question -- to the policy of conciliating the opposing influences which had so uncomfortably chosen to fight out their case on the field of her poor little existence: theoretically siding with her husband, but surreptitiously, as he well knew, giving aid and comfort to the enemy, who were really defending her own cause.

    The Fruit of the Tree Edith Wharton 1899

  • I showed one or two of them to a person since my recovery, who may have mentioned them, and occasioned Mr. Lort's misintelligence.

    The Letters of Horace Walpole, Earl of Orford — Volume 4 Horace Walpole 1757

  • It’s sheer thumbing-your-nose perversity that the neocons are greeting him as a hero after wasting our taxpayer dollars buying his ‘Curveball’ misintelligence that BushCo used to get us into a war that didn’t need to be fought.

    Think Progress » Durbin: Don’t Be Surprised If “The Chalabi Motorcade Speeds Up When They Pass the Department of Justice” 2005


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