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  • IF GUNS KILL PEOPLE, pencils mispel words. cars make people drive drunk. spoons make Rosie O'Ddonnell fat.

    unknown title 2009

  • What’s the point of asking “creationists” I assume you mean committed anti-evolution activists, committed evolution-deniers, or trolz who mispel evry uther werd unless they have an audience present?

    Agelaius phoeniceus - The Panda's Thumb 2010

  • Re: need help, greatly aprreciated! words = set (open ( 'mispel. txt'). read (). lower (). split ())

    DaniWeb IT Discussion Community swerty4 2010

  • Have a task i want to do I have a. txt file with mispelt words and a. txt file which is a dictionary and has correct spelling of words now i know that i need to split both of the. txt files into words, i need to convert the mispelt. txt to lower case (but alway get object has no attribute) and then subtract them form each other and whats left will be the mispelt words mispel. txt is text with mispelt words corspel. txt is dictionary

    DaniWeb IT Discussion Community swerty4 2010


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