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  • And anyone that doesn't think he's still involved is pretty naive if you ask me ... peter it looks like a no brainer to me. put lou montanez out there in left field. i agree with dave johnson the former orioles pitcher pie does not have any baseball instincts

    Blog updates 2009

  • How many times can Major league baseball defend this, they have better rules and testing now, time to move forward. hey pete. a little off topic but are alfredo simon and lou montanez in the o's plans for 2010? if not, AAA? seems like both of those guys have potential and limited major league experience. they may be helpful next season. thoughts?

    Blog updates 2009

  • yes it is old news that all 3 latino politicos - alarcon, padilla and montanez (sounds like a law firm in ela) were gonna play musical chairs. i went to events in the valley months ago where community groups (non profits and profit alike) already had there hands in the dipping pot -if alex won,they would get first dibs at federal grant money that they were sure to get from their 'pal'.

    Cindy to Run for CD7 2006

  • Let's hope the economy warms up as well as the above mentioned Pitchers. it is tough to figure out what the orioles were thinking in freel and pie, when montanez played good last year and reimoldhitting his prime. yes we needen a ss, and a 260 hitter ifine with a gold glove a plus wiggington made sense has a backup 3rd baseman and will start to hit, but pie they have a crush on for over two years, plus freel is past his prime and just is not a good fit for this club. not that another free agent pitcher would change things much for this year but with the money they couldve saved on pie and freel they couldve added some money and went for garland it just a nobrainer from the start. what do you think about this pete?

    Blog updates 2009

  • Let's hope the economy warms up as well as the above mentioned Pitchers. it is tough to figure out what the orioles were thinking in freel and pie, when montanez played good last year and reimoldhitting his prime. yes we needen a ss, and a 260 hitter ifine with a gold glove a plus wiggington made sense has a backup 3rd baseman and will start to hit, but pie they have a crush on for over two years, plus freel is past his prime and just is not a good fit for this club. not that another free agent pitcher would change things much for this year but with the money they couldve saved on pie and freel they couldve added some money and went for garland it just a nobrainer from the start. what do you think about this pete?

    Blog updates 2009


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