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  • I'm talking about the libertarian ethos of 'Screw you, I own this beach front palace, and if I want to build a wall around it to keep out the forces of mother-nature (and undermine the strand for other property owners for miles on either side) I can and will.'

    So Proud to be a North Carolinian 2009

  • And we must thank mother-nature for being oh so accommodating to our jumping in and out of the town car at least 16 times a day; wait no umbrella in January I must have been dreaming.

    Sara Weinstock: My Work Is My Passion Sara Weinstock 2012

  • But with the longing there came from that same mother-nature consolation, ease and quiet, though not the power to annihilate the disturbing element, for as long as multiformed matter exists, the conflicting forces which shape it will exist.

    Excerpt of Sermon manuscript by Ray Frank. Jewish Women's Archive 2010

  • But with the longing there came from that same mother-nature consolation, ease and quiet, though not the power to annihilate the disturbing element, for as long as multiformed matter exists, the conflicting forces which shape it will exist.

    Excerpt of Sermon manuscript by Ray Frank. Jewish Women's Archive 2010

  • You ignore the laws of mother-nature and you will be inviting the parallel state to devise its own solution.

    Egyptian Blogger Present Man's View of Sexual Harassment 2008

  • Shit, Subaru alone markets their cars as being green, earth friendly, mother-nature saving gadgets made by the almighty himself because they are made with 'Love'. sigh

    "Professor Who Flew to Deliver Guest Lecture Bills Stanford for Carbon Offset of Travel." Ann Althouse 2008

  • She had visioned the nobleness of giving -- and the unanswered call of her mother-nature had responded.

    Our Nervous Friends — Illustrating the Mastery of Nervousness Robert S. Carroll

  • But this, as I have since found by observation, was the mother-nature in Abby, which will fill the mildest woman with desire to kill any one that hurts or grieves her child.

    Rosin the Beau Laura Elizabeth Howe Richards 1896

  • The mother-nature was strong in Margaret Montfort, and the children were bringing out all that was best and strongest in her.

    Fernley House Laura Elizabeth Howe Richards 1896

  • And now he arraigned mother-nature, the very divinity whom hitherto he had called upon to justify him.

    In the Year of Jubilee George Gissing 1880


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