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It was in vain that the Armenian endeavoured to explain to him the nature of the buiinefs, and that the captain infifled he muil go to the other merchant:
Historical Account of the Most Celebrated Voyages, Travels, and Discoveries,: From the Time of ... 1797
And from the whole, he deduces this im* portant conclufion; that every vfrtuoas emotion muil be agreeable, and that this is the fandion and the re - ward of virtue.
Mr. Dodd obfcrvcs that 12I. per running yard muft be confidered as a liandfome allowance, fince it ift a facl, that fome of the muil confiderable tunnels in this kingdom on a fcale of nineteen feet by fcventeen, which is larger tlian the tunnel at prefent recommended, have been executed ai that price.
A Journal of natural philosophy, chemistry, and the arts .. 1797
We muil "nor fo rp-et the true fnrinor of confent in the faiih, and hariLony of vvorlliip - It is the '' unity - of the Spirit."
A review of ecclesiastical establishments in Europe : containing their history ... : and an essay tending to shew both the political and moral necessity of abolishing exclusive establishments, with answers to some principal objections Whatman, James, 1741-1798 1796
Malignants may try to make the weak and ignorant & ncy other - wiiCf but it muil be either ignocance of €ajBt pr incapacity of reafoning, that can produce aiTent to fuch notions,.
Sketch of democracy 1796
The refult muil depend upon the extent of the navy debt, and of tlie extraor - dinaries of the army to be incurred in the courfe of the prefent year; and it is poffible that the outilanding debt might then amount to fix or feven milhons.
Each member of the Houfe of Reprefentatives, before he takes his feat, muil declare his belief in one God, in future rewards and pu« oilhments, and in the divinity of the fcriptures of the Old and New Xeftament, and muil profefs the proteftant religion.
An historical, geographical, commercial, and philosophical view of the American United States 1795
Run to your houfes, fall upon your knees,. fray to the gpds, to intermit the plague That needs muil ffght on this ingratitude:
Works 1795
To this great difproportion of fubaltems to Captains and Field Officers, and to the abolition of the rank of Captain Lieute - nant, which at this moment doesexift in the conftitution of the Royal artillery, as it formerly did in yours, muil be attributed the Dow rife of your junior officers.
The Parliamentary Register: Or an Impartial Report of the Debates that Have Occured in the Two ... Great Britain Parliament, Great Britain Parliament , 1802-1803, 1802-1803 Parliament, Great Britain 1795
He clearly faw that dear muft be the blood That it muil coft, e'er he could be remov*d:
The works of the British poets. With prefaces, biographical and critical 1795
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