nailed down by his own ribs love

nailed down by his own ribs


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  • Usually, when '1 Wordie lists' a word and it appears on no lists, it'll be on a profile—but this one was 'first listed by greenapple', on whose profile it isn't. So who's got this one, then?

    April 13, 2009

  • Greenapple's lists contain only 84 out of a supposed total of 226 words. There are similar discrepancies with a lot of the early Wordies, but I don't know why. (See my comment at the tag kat for another example.)

    April 13, 2009

  • Yes, VO. I noticed the missing listing on mint chocolate chip. I seem to recall when you list your least favourite word it gives it a vote. Do not list schadenfreude as such if you don't want to add to its popularity. I believe there was also an issue whereby if you removed your least favourite word it did not reduce the wordies listing it count.

    April 13, 2009

  • I've just found the thread. See schadenfreude for 11 months ago.

    April 13, 2009