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  • The Josefin offers also classic Spanish desserts such as natilla (crème brûlée with a crispy cinnamon topping) and almond tart steeped in Tío Pepe sherry.

    Newswire Today - Free Newswire - Press Releases Distribution 2010

  • Hi Nika, I was wondering if have a recipe for natilla.

    Nikas Culinaria 2009

  • Alena: certainly, this is traditional - bunuelos y natilla.

    Nikas Culinaria 2009

  • Piled across the tienda are not just Argentine cooking essentials like chimichurri, pastas and yerba maté, but products to feed Orange County's other South American diaspora-manioc flour and guaraná sodas for Brazilians, Peruvian and Bolivian canned ají sauce, and boxes filled with make-it-yourself Colombian specialties like buñuelos (not the Mexican Christmas favorite of a cinnamon-dusted fried flour tortilla, but greasy-gorgeous cheese fritters) and natilla.

    unknown title 2009

  • I spent Christmas with a Colombian family and they had bunuelos without sugar on top and with natilla. it was really yummy:) have you tried it?

    Nikas Culinaria 2009


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