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  • Jardin du Roi, and his Cabinet of natural History, Cabinet d'Histoire naturell.

    Letter from John Adams to Abigail Adams, April - May 1780 1973

  • It is what the French call le droit naturell, natural right, and, as the theologians teach us, is the transcript of the eternal law, the eternal will or reason of God.

    The American Republic : constitution, tendencies and destiny Orestes Augustus Brownson 1839

  • Progressio {u} n is of nombre after egall {e} excesse fro oone or tweyn {e} take ag {r} egacio {u} n. of p {ro} gressio {u} n one is naturell {e} or co {n} tynuell {e}, þ {a} t oþ {er} broken and discontynuell {e}.

    The Earliest Arithmetics in English Anonymous 1902

  • +naturelle progressioun+, 45/22; the series of numbers 1, 2, 3, etc. [[written naturell {e} p {ro} gressio {u} n]] +produccioun+, multiplication, 50/11. [[written produccio {u} n]] +quadrat nombre+, 46/12; a number formed by multiplying a given number by itself, _e. g.

    The Earliest Arithmetics in English Anonymous 1902

  • The second {e} rule is such {e}, whan the p {ro} gressio {u} n naturell {e} endith {e} in nombre od {e}.

    The Earliest Arithmetics in English Anonymous 1902

  • And note wele, that naturell {e} p {ro} gressio {u} n ay begynneth {e} w {i} t {h} one, and Int {er} cise or broken p {ro} gressio {u} n, omwhile begynnyth {e} w {i} th one, omwhile w {i} t {h} twayn {e}.

    The Earliest Arithmetics in English Anonymous 1902


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