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  • I cant help but think that this reflects something of how people keep looking at POC, well Black folks in particular, without actually seeing us. eta: some ndn snark on being of the earth. tags: this is not a hair post mood: cynical media: Sister Carol "Dread Natty Congo"

    an early morning rant. just because. 2010

  • They are far worst then any republican they call mean and nasty names about. tasha urban ndn

    House Dem to switch to Republican Party 2009

  • Information about ndn communities in s dakota hit by storms, as mentioned earlier. yes this is from a month ago, but apparently they got disaster declarations, eventually. un ange vole? link memories

    Soufflé aux dattes Atef 2010

  • I am reading up on southeastern ndn history, and am really getting twitchy about the popular fixation on 'full blood indians' but not enough to give myself a migraine by posting about it. un ange vole? link memories

    friday. fightingwords 2009

  • Also, power still out and support needed at storm hit ndn reservations, links to come. tags: dances with pretendians un ange vole? link memories

    james arthur ray, out of the big house. for now. 2010

  • OK now I thought it couldnt get any stupider than that dude who did a 'war dance' at an ndn kid over protests about the thanksgiving pageant last year.

    katrina. transgriot 2009

  • Discussion got to the 'stuff white people like' blog, with an anonymous event supporter laying some fail and an ndn who attended the saturday night meeting laying down some science in response.

    i am not rydra_wong! *pout stomp* 2009

  • Well, as we know, plenty of stuff was banned and outlawed, and it wasnt until the American Indian Religious Freedom Act was passed in the 1970s that a lot of ceremonies and activities were finally made legal for ndn people.: please note further details from animikwaan in comments.

    why yes, it's a day that ends in 'y' so i'm going to talk about cultural appropriation. newspaper_rock 2009

  • An example of this whole thing about how stupid these execs think that other white people are would be that whole thing where they added an assimilated ndn man married to a white woman character to the movie adaptation of Bury My Heart at Wounded Knee because otherwise white audiences wouldnt be able to 'follow' it.

    also? karnythia 2009

  • She pointed out that while lots of people seemed to pat (feminist) sci fi on the back for imagining wonderful utopian futures where women had equality, that wasnt a future notion for her; it was ndn peoples 'past.

    caption contest! metafandom 2009


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