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  • The tall club flagstaff behind and above Gilbart's head wore its full code of signals, with blue ensign on the gaff and blue burgee at the topmast head, and fluttered them intermittently as the nor'westerly breeze broke down in flaws over the leads of the club-house.

    The White Wolf and Other Fireside Tales Arthur Thomas Quiller-Couch 1903

  • March days: nor'westerly gales, white water an 'snowy weather -- an' no let-up on the engines.

    Harbor Tales Down North With an Appreciation by Wilfred T. Grenfell, M.D. Norman Duncan 1893

  • Seven of Bay of Plenty's eight games this season have been soggy affairs, with more showers and a stiff nor'westerly forecast for kick-off tonight as well.

    Bay of Plenty Times 2010


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