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  • Jc: Russell: Do you know anything about US banking or just the stuff up because you have read numerou ...

    Andrew Norton 2009

  • This move from the AP CM comes after numerou criticisms surfaced for not addressing the issue of racist attacks earler, especially when the incidents came to light.

    Times Now 2009

  • Various editions have won numerou awards (VSJ Book of the Year, Amazon Editor's choice …) and at times the book has been the best seeling.

    xml's 2008

  • a numerou party, and lost several of their men and all their horses.

    Letters and notes on the manners, customs, and conditions of the North American Indians 1841

  • Bfoder the opprcflive arillocracies of Greece and Rome, two* I m of the human ipecies were condemned to fervitude; and of I fe numerou] flaves, many were polifhed by arts, and many cuU I ited by fcience.

    The Monthly Review 1789


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