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  • Romantics everywhere will fall for the visual treat of this nursery-rhyme adventure.

    Recommended reads: ages 5–7 2011

  • His 16mm masterwork "Tom, Tom, the Piper's Son" 1969–71 is a revelatory feature-length examination of a 1905 Biograph nursery-rhyme short involving a stolen pig.

    Filmmakers Who Try, Try Again Kristin M. Jones 2011

  • High Places have refined the delay-pedal nursery-rhyme experiments of their early days into comparatively rocking dance tracks.

    Drifting in Dark Arpeggios « PubliCola 2010

  • But if you are going to muck around with it, get rid of the phrase 'for ever and ever', which always used to set my teeth on edge a bit: it sounds too storybook, too happy-ever-after; to my ears it always made the poor priest sound a bit of an idiot to have to come out with such nursery-rhyme stuff.

    Making Light: Open thread 135 2010

  • Interestingly, in using simple, child-like drawing to make sophisticated statements, Basquiat recalls the art of another precocious conceptual genius, as Sylvia Plath's use of nursery-rhyme rhythms heightened the power of her furious October poems.

    David Galenson: The Rise and Fall of Jean-Michel Basquiat David Galenson 2010

  • Interestingly, in using simple, child-like drawing to make sophisticated statements, Basquiat recalls the art of another precocious conceptual genius, as Sylvia Plath's use of nursery-rhyme rhythms heightened the power of her furious October poems.

    David Galenson: The Rise and Fall of Jean-Michel Basquiat David Galenson 2010

  • Paul nodded wisely, although in his current euphoric state he probably would have nodded wisely had Beltaire recited a nursery-rhyme.

    red dust Ryn Cricket 2010

  • Only the figures aren't human, exactly; they're more like ... nursery-rhyme characters.

    Through The Looking Glass 2008

  • OAKES: Adam Green has long taken the stream of consciousness approach to lyric writing, but he's matured considerably from his twisted nursery-rhyme days with The Moldy Peaches.

    Adam Green Returns with 'Sixes & Sevens' 2008

  • Each level contains mysterious, nursery-rhyme clues which directs them to elaborate traps.

    STEEL TRAP is a lame SAW knock-off which fails to scare, says Ray! | Obsessed With Film 2008


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