one-stop-shopping love



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  • This was disappointing to genealogists since we love the one-stop-shopping it offers for a cross-section of newspapers covering 250 years.

    Megan Smolenyak: Google News Archive and A Strange Week or Sign of Things to Come? Megan Smolenyak 2011

  • This was disappointing to genealogists since we love the one-stop-shopping it offers for a cross-section of newspapers covering 250 years.

    Megan Smolenyak: Google News Archive and A Strange Week or Sign of Things to Come? Megan Smolenyak 2011

  • Moreover, there is a principle of efficiency or one-stop-shopping that pushes people to go towards more definitive and complete sources.

    bookmaking 2009

  • But after a while they all seemed to discreetly morph into gay travel agencies with one-stop-shopping ads currently littering the internet and the back pages of gay party magazines.

    Malcolm Harris: The Dilemma of Gay Marriage: And What to Wear? Malcolm Harris 2011

  • Moreover, there is a principle of efficiency or one-stop-shopping that pushes people to go towards more definitive and complete sources.

    bookmaking 2009

  • Moreover, there is a principle of efficiency or one-stop-shopping that pushes people to go towards more definitive and complete sources.

    Innovation 2010

  • Moreover, there is a principle of efficiency or one-stop-shopping that pushes people to go towards more definitive and complete sources.

    11 posts from April 2009 2009

  • Offering customers a one-stop-shopping experience is important, says Kazim, but we can't go from zero to a million on day one.

    You Go For Ongo? Jeff Bercovici 2011

  • Moreover, there is a principle of efficiency or one-stop-shopping that pushes people to go towards more definitive and complete sources.

    Pop Culture 2010

  • But after a while they all seemed to discreetly morph into gay travel agencies with one-stop-shopping ads currently littering the internet and the back pages of gay party magazines.

    Malcolm Harris: The Dilemma of Gay Marriage: And What to Wear? Malcolm Harris 2011


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