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  • Governor Richardson enforce the latino stereotype of "oportunismo"; he kept the nation in "suspense" while deciding which candidate was better for HIM, his career and political future .. going against his constituency and the interest of the latino community as a whole, that he as one of their leader should have always represented.

    Richardson: Clinton supporters 'clinging to the throne' 2008

  • Creo que es un gran error sacar cuentas cortas del oportunismo político que puede generar una catástrofe de este tipo.

    Elites TV Global Voices Online 2010

  • Aventurerismo, oportunismo y temeridad - Traducido del inglés para Rebelión por Sinfo Fernández

    Palestine Blogs aggregator 2009

  • Publisher: American Chamber of Commerce of Mexico A.C. Nuevo espectáculo: oportunismo y piruetas políticas en todos sentidos. (

    SECURITY ALERT: Iran and North Korea are DEMOCRATS !! 2006


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