
from The Century Dictionary.

  • noun A corrupt Middle English contraction of worsted.


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  • But last week they learned that Mars Bar will have to close sometime next year for the construction of a prop osed 12-story development.

    Beloved Bars Take Dive Sumathi Reddy 2010

  • Mrs. Clinton prop osed last week in Hanoi to resolve territorial disputes through multilateral rather than bilateral processes.

    Reining in China's Ambitions Daniel Blumenthal 2010

  • A method used by fund managers to increase their personal payout every year, regardless of performance ANSWER: C. C.osed-end funds, like their mutual-fund cousins, distribute dividends and capital-gains income to shareholders.

    How Well Do You Know...Closed-End Funds? Andrew Blackman 2007

  • C. C.osed-end funds are more likely to use leverage, i.e., to invest borrowed money in an attempt to enhance returns.

    How Well Do You Know...Closed-End Funds? Andrew Blackman 2007

  • When 1 finished, Yiban said, "Lao Lu knew how to keep the gate osed to everything except his own mouth."

    the secret sense Tan, Amy 1995

  • Nobody ever osed the flaps, and the younger officers usually cut them off, they looked so ridiculous.

    The Key to Rebecca Follett, Ken, 1949- 1980

  • A few regiments of the enemy were advancing this way yesterday, causing us to anticipate a battle here last night or to day, but this morning it is suppos osed there will be no fight for some days.

    Letter to Eleanor Stuart Brooks 1861

  • But memories of last month's European travel chaos -- caused when clouds of volcanic ash from Iceland's Eyjafjallajokull volcano cl osed European airports for days, trapping many execs at Mip TV here -- hover as a reminder that even the most powerful people in showbiz can't hold a candle to the forces of nature. 2010

  • Ryan has been a registered sleep technologist for 12 years, and one of the things she loves about her work is seeing how various systems of the body work together and the differences in the way those systems work during the night as opp - osed to the daytime, she says. 2010

  • Basically, it's an infection of the eardrum, as opp, osed to the ear canal.

    unknown title 2009


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