osteochondrosis love



from Wiktionary, Creative Commons Attribution/Share-Alike License.

  • noun pathology A family of orthopedic diseases of the joint that occur in children and in rapidly growing animals, characterized by interruption of the blood supply of a bone, necrosis, and regrowth.


from Wiktionary, Creative Commons Attribution/Share-Alike License

osteo- +‎ chondrosis


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  • These conditions are commonly referred to as osteochondrosis (OCD) and have a tremendous economic impact on the equine industry.

    TheHorse.com News 2008

  • Bessie had osteochondrosis, an orthopedic disease that was hindering the blood supply to her bones.

    The Hot Box Zane 2010

  • Signs include varying degrees of lameness, distention (swelling) of the affected joint, and reluctance to flex the limb, especially when osteochondrosis develops in the hocks and / or stifles.

    TheHorse.com News 2009

  • This occurs when the joint surfaces of spinal vertebrae develop osteochondrosis lesions.

    TheHorse.com News 2009

  • A diet that is low in copper also increases the development of osteochondrosis.

    TheHorse.com News 2009

  • In more than half of the cases, osteochondrosis is present in bilateral (both front or hind) joints, although obvious signs might only show up in one.

    TheHorse.com News 2009

  • Conformation also has a role to play in osteochondrosis development.

    TheHorse.com News 2009

  • Excess energy intake (120\% of National Research Council -- NRC -- requirements) has been correlated with osteochondrosis.

    TheHorse.com News 2009

  • Eventually, osteochondrosis in any of these forms can cause lameness and arthritis.

    TheHorse.com News 2009

  • Other problems that develop due to nutritional inconsistencies during growth include osteochondrosis and wobbler syndrome.

    TheHorse.com News 2009


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